What causes “Phlegmitis” and how is it treated?

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Plantar fasciitis,  or what is officially known as plantar fasciitis Plantar fasciitis or heel tendonitis It is a disease that often causes pain in the heels and soles of the feet. When we walk, we put on weight. Some people may feel severe heel pain after waking up. It is a disease that many people may think It’s a simple muscle aches, but in reality. It could also be a sign of secondary phlebitis that needs to be treated quickly before it becomes chronic.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia. by the plantar ligament It is a thin tendon that wraps from the heel to the tip of the toes. And it is what receives impact while we stand, walk or run, causing the plantar fascia to be overworked. or has been used abnormally, such as being hit or pressed by movement. Therefore causing inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis will have the following symptoms:

  • Heel pain or pain  spread all over the soles of the feet The symptoms will begin from the moment you get out of bed. Or take the first step of the day
  • Pain in the soles of the feet or heels when walking and putting weight on it. There is a sharp pain and inflammation. Some people may experience pain gradually. Until you think that the sickness will go away by itself. But the pain will come back again.
  • Pain in the soles of the feet when walking or moving about the body  The pain will be the most severe. When weight begins to be placed on the heel on the first step, such as when getting up and taking the first step after waking up.
  • The first phase may occur after exercise.  or walking-standing for long periods of time when there is more movement You will feel more heel pain. or pain all the time

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can occur for many reasons, including:

• Obesity or having more weight than normal.  make when walking It will cause a lot of pressure on the soles of the feet. Until it can cause the plantar fascia to become inflamed.

• Standing continuously for a long time.  This causes the plantar ligaments to support more weight than normal.

• Have foot deformity  such as flat arches, high arches or excessive arching.

• Wear shoes that are not suitable for your feet’s health  , such as high heels. Shoes that are too tight, squeeze your feet, or shoes that are too loose

• Excessive use of the soles of the feet or heels.  Until the ยูฟ่าเบท body can’t stand it, such as running training that is too intense. or running too far a distance or running on hard surfaces

• Wearing inappropriate shoes,  such as shoes without heel cushions. or the soles are too thin

• Symptoms of Achilles tendon retention.  This makes the heel unable to move normally.

• Rheumatoid arthritis or spinal joint inflammation.  This may increase the chance of inflammation. At any point where the tendon connects to the bone This makes it more likely to develop plantar fasciitis.

Treatment of urinary tract disease

1. Take a break from using your feet. and use medicine to reduce inflammation –  reduce walking or use a cane to support and apply a cold compress for about 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day in the evening. It will help reduce pain very well. If the pain is severe, you can take medicine to reduce inflammation. But it should be considered by a medical professional. and do not eat continuously for more than 2-3 weeks

2. Exercise your hamstrings and plantar fascia –  Achilles tendon management and plantar fascia appropriately It’s the best way. that will help with treatment and can prevent the occurrence of phlebitis.

3. Ankle exercises –  There are many ankle exercises. That can help relieve bruising, such as using the sole of your foot to roll on a strong cylindrical device such as a PVC pipe, a tennis ball, or a small plastic water bottle. To help stretch the tendons under the feet.

Or stand facing the wall. Then bend your right knee forward and push against the wall. Until the left ankle feels tight, hold for 10-15 seconds before changing sides. This method stretches the Achilles tendon. and helps the heel bear weight well

4. Use a heel pad –  Using a soft insole. Or wear shoes that are appropriate for your feet. Can help relieve pain well. Wearing a soft splint It will help reduce ankle movement. Therefore, it is another option to help reduce inflammation in the initial period.

5. Frequency treatment (Shock Wave) –  stimulates the plantar fascia tendon. In order to have blood vessels to nourish and repair itself. Treatment has similar results to surgery.

6. Surgery –  used on a small percentage of patients. who have received initial treatment but are not completely cured and may require surgical treatment To have surgery on some of the foot fascia. and remove tartar from the heel bone

7. Injections to reduce inflammation –  This is a method that is not recommended. Use only with assistants with severe symptoms. And you should not use steroid injections into the heel area. This is because it will make treatment more difficult. and risk of bone infection Atrophy of foot fat or a torn plantar ligament This is a condition that is very difficult to treat.

8. Use devices to help treat foot pain –  such as Night Splints, which are devices that help the patient’s feet. Stay in your normal position while sleeping. and helps heal tendons faster When the patient wakes up in the morning It will help reduce heel pain as well.

If you have heel pain or the soles of the feet continuously for a long time You should immediately see a doctor for appropriate treatment. Because you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis or plantar fasciitis. And up to 90% of patients with plantar fasciitis usually improve within 2 months after receiving appropriate treatment.