The doctor exclaimed, “Wow! I saw a picture of a mysterious insect. Please help me find out what it is.” It opened up the world of superstitions and warned those who love to eat not to try it. It is poisonous and can be deadly!
From the case on May 2, 2024, a member of the Facebook group ” What is this?” posted a picture of a mysterious animal that looked like an insect, along with the question, “What is this? I saw it pass by someone.”
Later, Dr. Pakpoom Dechhasadin, a famous medical technician, shared the post on the Facebook page, Mor Lab Panda, along with sharing his knowledge, “Wow! I’ve never seen anything this beautiful. ” Cicada Aloe” is a cicada that died from a fungal infection. The fungus grew out of the cicada’s body. Some people worship it. Some people boil it in water to drink because they believe it is a medicine. It can kill you. The toxins from some types of fungi can withstand very high heat. Even when cooked, it is inedible. Don’t eat it.”
Recently, Dr. Jessada Denduangboripant , a lecturer at the Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, posted a solving puzzle via Facebook. Jessada Denduangboripant posted another warning about this issue, emphasizing that he has warned over and over again every year that “Cicada Aloe” should not be eaten. It is dangerous and can be fatal.
Cicada flower (Chinese name Chan hua (蟬花) and scientific name Cordyceps sobolifera,) is the remains of a cicada that has died from a fungal infection. The fungus that lives in the cicada carcasses will grow and emerge from the soil like a plant. In some areas of Thailand, there is a belief that Cicada flower or Phaya Wan To Ngoen To Thong is an amulet, sacred object or medicine. In the past, there has been news of people being poisoned from consuming Cicada flowers, both those who intended to eat them as medicine and those who ate them without knowing that they were poisonous, from time to time.
He also gave an example of a 7-year-old girl who had uncontrollable trembling of the entire body and trembling eyes. She was unable to sit or stand on her own, and she vomited several times. Blood tests and CT scans of the brain did not reveal any abnormalities. When asked about her medical history, it was found that she had eaten one grilled cicada. The pediatrician who examined her suspected that the patient’s symptoms were caused by the tremorgenic mycotoxin fungus in the cicada carcass, so he consulted the poison center to inquire about the possibility and treatment for the poison.
In fact, Cicada Aloe is just a fungus that grows in the remains of insects. There is a chance that you will get poisoned by some types of fungus. Don’t think that it is “Cordyceps” that comes from a สมัคร ufabet type of fungus that is safe to eat. Symptoms of poisoning from Cicada Aloe will be symptoms in the nervous system and digestive system such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, tremors, hallucinations, unconsciousness. Symptoms can be severe and life-threatening. Therefore, you should not eat Cicada Aloe or dead insects that may have fungal infections. In addition to not having medicinal properties, it can also be life-threatening.